First things first( get the basics right)

I am super excited that there are thousands of platforms available to inspire and encourage ourselves as we journey through life. Encouraging people excites me a lot because it gives me a sense of relationship with other people who have shortcomings(like myself) and are going through lots of circumstances despite their massive dreams they desire to see come into reality. I must also say that I am one who totally believes in Jesus and I’m wise enough by the grace of God not take His grace for granted. This means that in as much as God has promised me a great life in Him, I will not just fold my arms and think that I don’t have any role to play in bringing my dreams to life. So yes I have crazy faith in God but I also anticipate getting instructions from Him as to what action to take to be a better version of myself to the glory of His name.

So today’s blog post is for everyone but more emphasis will be to newly employed graduates; this is because they are in a new phase of their lives. They have envisioned how their lives should look like once they start work and probably will not be prepared for the surprises coming their way. Soon they will begin to realize shortcomings they never thought they had. This might put them in a confused state and if they are not careful, they might make rash decisions as a result of impatience which might eventually have a negative toll on them.This blog post will give some practical steps I was graced to know and act on, despite my shortcomings that almost ruined my destiny! Thanks for showing up here.


It took a while after several mistakes and shortcomings to believe that my dreams were still valid. I mean I literally saw myself not attaining the heights I had once envisioned because my weaknesses blurred them! However I have learnt a lot and is still learning. Here are some truths that helped me and hopefully I believe it can to you too…

This phase is when you begin to learn, unlearn and relearn so many things. You will experience leadership in a whole new dimension, you will meet lots of people who are better and more experienced than you are, you will meet matured trouble makers and negative competitors. While you try to deal with the aforementioned, you will begin to find a way to thrive in the midst of all these. This of course is good but for the fact that you might begin to put the cart before the horse . You are not prepared for the responsibilities that are attached to your dreams yet! You don’t have enough exposure; you don’t have enough network yet but you would begin to think that it’s time to start your own thing because you would think that working for someone is not your thing! It’s sad to note that whilst you think you wouldn’t want to serve some other person, who would desire to serve you? Experiences you gather in this stage empowers and prepares you for the responsibilities ahead. Don’t underestimate this process.

🔥Shortcomings and mistakes are real and might persist in our lives; affecting our jobs and the dreams ahead of us if we fail to acquire knowledge that will enable us get better. Daniel J. Boorstin said ‘the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is an illusion of knowledge”! Did you read that? I mean most times we claim to know but we actually know nothing and because we have an illusion of knowledge we try to do endeavors that we aren’t ready for yet (this includes having enough wit and willpower to stand up no matter how many times you fall). I will like to encourage you to be patient in this season and develop yourself in every way possible. Engage in conversations, start online classes, for instance, I got to know about some online platforms that aided my career and personal development such as Coursera and Alison. There are other online platforms too with series of courses that cut across lots of career and business fields. You will be amazed at how much you will learn and grow… Just don’t assume that you know. Its really dangerous.

🔥Be determined and disciplined in your desire to be better. Discipline hurts majorly because you will be getting out of your comfort zones. However if your dreams are that important, then fight for them. Have clear cut goals written down. Have clear cut goals written down!! Have clear goals written down!!! It gives you a sense of intentionality and focus. This particular point is kinda hard for me but I’m getting better at being intentional. My dreams matter so much because there are so many people waiting at the other side of my commitment.

🔥You can’t skip the process. I just feel the need to put more emphasis on not skipping the process. Before we attain the reality of our dreams we will have to be committed to whatever role or position we find ourselves. Initially I thought that because my dreams don’t align with what I was doing at that moment I could care little about the growth of the company I worked for. It was easy for me to be a rebellious employee🤦‍♀️ I wanted to work in my own way. Lol. Little did I know that I was just hindering myself from getting to the next step that would usher me to my dreams. So this is it👉🏽Work as though the company is yours. Do all in your capacity to acquire skills for that role! Find subtle ways to enjoy what you do. Get off the first step of “making everything about you because it’s not all about you.” It’s always worth it at the end…

🔥Learn from those who have gone ahead of you. My boss! Oh my boss! He is an epitome of a good leader. He patiently helps me grow and I am wise enough to learn from him. If you think you can’t learn from your boss, there are great people you can learn from, look well (your environment, authors, online etc) and you will find them. Just don’t think you know all.

Whilst you do all you can don’t forget to always ask God for help. Remember it’s not by your power or by might but by the spirit of God – Zechariah 4:6

There are so many other points but these are what I can share for now.

So your dreams are valid. Your dreams need you to be intentional, patient and teachable for you to grow. Just keep pushing and keep praying; just do first things first and you will break through!

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