Who are you?

You know what?

Whatever it is that you are going through, please don’t give up just yet! Let’s talk about the pressure from all sides, the setbacks, ailments, deceit, disappointments, betrayal; it seem as though they went top notch in dealing with us, but we as a people who have an understanding of who we are and whose we are should not give up!

Who are you?

This question is very important because if we don’t know our identity, there is the very highest tendency that we will mismanage stress and pressure as they come our way. I had the opportunity of stumbling on a verse in the Bible. Let’s check Proverbs 24:5 out!

“A wise man is strong, and a man of knowledge strengthens his power”

When I read through this, I had a refreshed understanding of the power of “knowing- knowledge”; I mean the power of knowing who you are. Knowing who you are gives you strength in the times when your present situation don’t match the beautiful future you have pictured for yourself.

So who are you? Are you timid? Are you a failure? Are you poor? Are you defeated? For me, I know who I am. I AM A CHILD OF GOD. Now this identity gives me confidence. Yes there are times I cower in the face of a challenge but my remembrance of who I am, jacks me back up and I face my fear like a hungry lion!

Whose are you?

There is that thing or should I say that source that gives you the confidence about your identity! You see, a lion roars at it’s offender and I believe it’s roaring actually means that it knows that it is a lion who has the boldness and the capacity to destroy anything that stands its way. That means the source of its identity is its strength!

So what’s the source of your identity? Truthfully some people think they have gained confidence because they have their identity from principalities and power, and rulers of this world in high places… (the wicked ones)well the irony is, in as much as this principalities have power, they actually answer to a higher authority and that is JESUS! And this is my source. So this is whose I am!

I don’t have a problem because I know whose I am, the people I am worried about are those who when they face pressure of life try to solve their problems physically when they are actually wrestling against the wicked! Let’s scroll through Ephesians 6:12 “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”

Trust me, having Jesus as your source of identity is a great life insurance. For a moment, I was carried away by my mum’s ailment. I chatted up with the person I am in a relationship with and told him my fears; I told him I believe in Jesus but what if God does not heal my mum, will I still trust in Him?” This is his reply:

“He’s Alive… He’s hears us… The Devil always wanna lie to us that He doesn’t… But the Father hears us all the time… We may think we’re going down in our eyes but guess what? We’re rising… We need to take God’s word for who He is not what it is. Babeeeeeee… Nothing can separate us from the love of the Lord… We are connected to the right Source….. We’re loved. What a God, What a strategy, what a move, what a way! Nothing else matters but Jesus… He is working babe! Do not fret… Don’t shake…… You’re the temple of the Spirit of God. Mummy will not die. Mummy will live. Mummy will reign! She’s not completed her mandate in life… She’s strong”

*Tears* I felt re- energised! I am reminded of who God is and that is all that matters. I know whose I am and because I know my source, I shall not fear! I shall trust God in thanksgiving for her health while I serve Him with the whole of my heart.

So guys! Who are you and whose are you? This will guide you as you face life’s trauma. By the way please while we observe all physical measures against corona virus, let’s not forget who we are and whose we are!

You are much loved from this end.❤️

Ps: Please can you raise a prayer of thanksgiving for the healing of my mum? Thank you.

One thought on “Who are you?

  1. Father we thank you for healing Kemis’ mum and for making her mortal body whole.
    This is deep stuff. Your writing.


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